Model Papers from Across the Disciplines

As a student at LAVC, many of your instructors will require writing assignments. Review the sample APA and MLA papers at the links below as well as the guidelines for writing across the curriculum.

Sample APA and MLA papers from Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL):

Sample APA formatted paper
Sample MLA formatted Paper

Guidelines for Writing Across the Curriculum from the Institute for Writing and Rhetoric at Dartmouth University
Dartmouth University's website provides some useful strategies and tips for writing paper in the Humanities, 社会科学, and the Natural Sciences. This site also provides some general information on writing academic papers: 写作资源

The University of Richmond: Writing in the Disciplines
The University of Richmond's Writing Center website provides detailed information with dedicated resources about how to write papers in numerous disciplines 写作指南:

If you are interested in creative writing, the following websites may be helpful: